October 17, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!

Today was Eva's first trip to the zoo! It was really special for us because for years Kyle and I have planned vacations around going to different zoos around the country and our love of animals rivals Jack Hanna's. When we first found out we were having a baby going to the zoo with our little one was at the top of our list. (Going to a Tigers game was a close second.) We went to the Detroit Metro Zoo in Royal Oak with our friends Kyle and Carrie and their daughter, Elliott. Kyle was most excited to show Eva the tigers, and I was most excited about the polar bear. Well.... it turns out many of the animals were snoozing and so was little Eva! It seems that many of the traditions, places and events we can't wait to share with Eva are more for our enjoyment than hers at the point. It's kind of like when you buy your child the most expensive teddy bear and they only want to play with the box. Add that to the list of lesson Eva has in store for us; the best thing in the world is simply spending time together. Turns out that where you are or what you are doing really are not that important. I think of all of the animals, Eva enjoyed the peacocks and the ducks walking around the park the most. She also loved being cuddled as we walked around, and she really enjoyed snoozing in her stroller in the sun. The three of returned home tired, relaxed and happy. It has been awhile since we enjoyed a day exploring together. Hopefully Kyle will teach me to post some pictures soon. We took some great ones!

1 comment:

  1. We still have the tiger that you both got Isabella when she was just a small baby at the San Diego Zoo! I still have photos of her with that little tiger...
